Today’s Date: _________________    Birthdate:____________ First Appt. Date: ____________      

Name: (First)____________________(Middle) ____________  (Last) ________________              

Telephone: (HM)   _________________________      (WK) ______________________________ 

                 (FAX) __________________________    (E-MAIL) ___________________________ 

Address: _________________________________    Soc Sec # ___________________________ 

_________________________________________  Age: __________        Sex: _________

Specific Confidentiality Requests (e.g. “Don’t leave messages on home phone recorder”): __________________________________________________________________                       

General Problem(s) you would like assistance with: ________________________________________





Your Occupation: _________________________       Employer: ___________________________ 

Marital Status:     S     M     D     W      Live w/Someone How Long? _____________________           

Spouse/Partner Name: ____________________________      Okay to Contact?          Y         N

Spouse’s Occupation: ____________________________       Phone (WK): __________________  

Children (Name/Ages): _____________________________________________________              


Parent/Guardian: ________________________________      Phone: _______________________  

How did you learn about us? (If Yellow Pages, what listing?)________________________________  

Emergency Contact: _______________________________               Phone: __________________

General Physician (Name/City/Phone): __________________________________________             

Other Physician (Name/City/Phone): ___________________________________________              

Other Contact: ____________________________________________________________            


I understand and agree that I am responsible for making payment for professional and other services at the time that they are rendered and agree to have my credit/debit card charged for legitimate account balances over 30 days old.  I agree to read carefully all of the new patient and recipient rights information given to me and ask questions if necessary.  I certify that I will notify you immediately if I am a Medicare or Medicaid recipient.   I will notify you of any changes in the information I am providing today.  I authorize you to release and receive demographic, diagnostic, prognostic, and clinical data and/or progress reports to or from my insurance carrier, and the above named health care provider(s) and other parties for the purposes of diagnosis and treatment while I am under your care.  I agree that I am responsible at all times for my own safety and welfare and that I am solely responsible for decisions I make based on the professional advice I receive.



SIGNATURE: __________________________________   DATE: ___________________            



Describe any current medical problems: ____________________________________________________________


Any lab tests in the past 12 months? ______________________________________________________________

Any medicine allergies/reactions or sensitivities? _____________________________________________________


Please list all medications, including herbs, you are now taking:

1. ______________________________________                   4. _________________________________________

2. ______________________________________                   5. _________________________________________

3. ______________________________________                   6. _________________________________________

Please mark any of the below medications you have taken.  Put a “P” for past, and/or a “C” for current:

______ Seizure Medication               ______ Alcohol                                   ______ Recreational Drugs

______ Drugs for GI Distress          ______ Benzodiazepines                     ______ Migraine Drugs

______ Hormones                            ______ Serotonin Reuptake Drugs  ______ Pain Medications


Medical Conditions/Symptoms

Any abnormalities around the time of your birth? (prematurity, breathing difficulties, etc) _____________________


Were you often sick as a child? ___________________________________________________________________

Have you taken frequent or repeated antibiotics? ______________________________________________________


Please mark ALL the following that apply to you.  Put a “P” for past, and/or a “C” for current conditions:

______ High blood pressure                             ______ Anemia or blood disorder                    ______ Low blood sugar

______ Fainting/loss of consciousness         ______ Chronic cough or lung disease           ______ Diabetes

______ Seizures (even in childhood)               ______ Snoring or other sleep disorder          ______ Rashes or itching

______ Feeling chilly or warmish often           ______ Tingling or numbness                          ______ Tumor, cancer

______ “Brain fever” or meningitis                  ______ Adrenal insufficiency                           ______ Hearing problem

______ Severe or unusual headaches             ______ Dizziness/lightheadedness                  ______ Heart condition

______ Sexually transmitted disease               ______ Eye or visual problems                         ______ Severe head injury

______ Worsening aches/pains                       ______ Jaundice/liver trouble                           ______ Thyroid condition

______ Allergies (pollen, dust, etc)                 ______ Stomach or bowel trouble                    ______ Head injuries

______ Disease of male/female organs           ______ Blood in urine or stools                       ______ Low-DHEA levels

______ Hormonal disregulation                       ______ Pituitary abnormalities                         ______ Walking trouble

______ Rheumatoid arthritis                             ______ Kidney, bladder, or prostate problems

______ Others: ______________________________________________________________________________


Have any blood relatives had:

Diabetes? ________________________________   Heart disease under 55 years? _________________________

Hereditary disease of any sort? _______________________________               Suicide? _____________________

Depression, anxiety or other psychological conditions? _______________________       Alcoholism? ___________

Thyroid condition? _________________________  Alzheimer’s dementia? _______________________________

Others: ____________________________________________________________________________________


Do you smoke? ________  In the past? ________  How much? _________________  How long? _______________

Do you take alcohol? ____________  Average number of drinks per week? ________

Do you use “recreational” drugs? __________            Did you in the past? _________

Were you ever told you were taking too much alcohol or drugs? _________                         Your height ___________

Do you exercise regularly? ___________  Take any vitamins? __________                          Dressed weight ________

Any recent gain or loss of weight? ___________  If yes, # of pounds gained/lost, _________, since _____________

Are you on a special diet? ______________________________________________________________________

Is it possible you may have been exposed to the HIV/AIDS virus, thru needles, blood, or sexual contact? _________


For Women Only

Any menstrual problems? ______________________________  Severe premenstrual symptoms? ______________

Recurrent vaginal infections? __________  Last menses began ____________  Are your cycles regular? _________

Number of pregnancies? ___________  Number of living children? ______


PROCEDURE TRACKING FOR _______________________________


Date Started                  Procedure / Medication                                           Status Change


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________


__________  __________________________________________  ________________________