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Logo: OCD Recovery Center

Services & Programs:
About Our House Call Program

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is part of a "obsessive compulsive (OC) spectrum" of disorders that include Hypochondriasis, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Trichotillomania, Tourette's Syndrome and possibly others neurobiological illnesses. All appear to have in common elements of obsessive thinking and partially involuntary compulsive rituals or motor tic behaviors. Genetically influenced disturbances or damage in different layers of the striatum and other associated areas of the brain have been implicated as causing or contributing to OC spectrum disorders. The disorders are for the most part chronic and can be significantly debilitating. Treatment involves medication, behavior therapy and other specialized interventions and can often be difficult and extended.

For some individuals with OC disorders, seeking treatment may be problematic due to the difficulties of travel and finding qualified practitioners. The OCD Recovery Center now offers two special options for OC spectrum disorders treatment. The first is an Intensive Outpatient Residential Program (IOP) where the patient can stay in a comfortable apartment near our clinic in Grand Rapids, Michigan and receive several hours of intensive outpatient treatment daily for a week or longer. The second is a specialized Housecall Program in which we travel to the home location of the patient anywhere in the world and deliver one to four days of highly intensive treatment in the home, office, school or community.

Unless indicated otherwise, all specialized INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT programs are conducted by Dr. Christian R. Komor, the founder of OCD Recovery Center. Dr. Komor is an American Psychological Association trained Clinical Psychologist and Board Certified Naturopath with seventeen years of clinical experience and twelve years of experience treating anxiety and obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders. Dr. Komor himself has OCD.

About Our HouseCall Program

A special outreach program is available through which we make "housecalls" to individuals unable to travel to our locations for treatment. Through the Housecall Program we first gather detailed diagnostic information over the telephone or Internet and then arrange to travel to the home city of the patient. Once there we meet with the patient (and, if appropriate, his or her family members) to develop a specially-tailored treatment strategy. Using the Sixteen Keys recovery approach developed through our twelve years of experience treating OC and anxiety disorders, we then proceed to assist the patient in initiating a recovery program.

The following are some of the most important elements included in the Housecall program:

Our aim in the Housecall Program is to assist the patient in creating rapid change which will put them on an aggressive path back out of the wilderness of obsessions and compulsions and restore life serenity and optimal functioning as rapidly as possible. Working in the home and local environment is extremely beneficial to this process. While it is not possible to complete an OC recovery process during the several days of the Housecall, the goal is to lay powerful groundwork. With the assistance of an aftercare plan involving loved ones, local mental health support and other caregivers the patient need only continue with the process which has been initiated during the Housecall to achieve success and eventual recovery. While the Housecall cannot guarantee results, prior patients have tended to make good progress in this format.

Keys To Recovery

The Housecall Program utilizes the "Sixteen Keys" approach developed by the OCD Recovery Center which include:

Key Icon First Key: Accurate & Complete Diagnosis

Key Icon Second Key: Information, Education & Understanding Including OC Cycles

Key Icon Third Key: Assessing History & Damage from Disorder & Grieving Losses

Key Icon Fourth Key: Understanding Core Family of Origin Patterns and Psychological Dynamics

Key Icon Fifth Key: Identifying & Transcending Core Fears

Key Icon Sixth Key: Identifying & Finding Alternatives for Unhelpful Self-Medicators

Key Icon Seventh Key: Initiating and Refining Psychoactive &, or Phytomedicinal Medication Support

Key Icon Eighth Key: Initializing Specialized Complementary & Integrative Healthcare (CIH) Tools

Key Icon Ninth Key: Learning Stress & Anxiety Management Techniques

Key Icon Tenth Key: Developing Lifestyle Management & Self-Care Skills

Key Icon Eleventh Key: Developing Cognitive Restructuring & Obsession Inoculation Strategies

Key Icon Twelfth Key: Conducting Behavioral Therapy

Key Icon Thirteenth Key: Strengthening Family & Peer Relationships

Key Icon Fourteenth Key: Reestablishing a Healthy Doing-Being Balance

Key Icon Fifteenth Key: Repairing or Rebuilding Career & other Life Infrastructure Areas

Key Icon Sixteenth Key: Developing Relapse Prevention Plan Including Emergency Plan & Ongoing Resource/Support Utilization

Is the Housecall Program Right For Me?

The Housecall Program is appropriate for children and adults who are diagnosed with, or believe they suffer from an obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder such as OCD, Hypochondriasis, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Trichotillomania, Tourette's Syndrome. It is particularly helpful in cases of severe OC where the patient has difficulty leaving the home. Housecalls are not appropriate for persons with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, untreated substance abuse problems, Dissociative Identity Disorder, or primary Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

In considering the appropriateness of a Housecall in a particular situation, it is helpful to keep in mind that the Housecall is a significant investment of energy, time and financial resources. Housecalls are significant and life-changing events and we advise giving the decision careful scrutiny. During the Housecall we will be exploring together in-depth many different aspects of the OC disorder in the home environment as well (if appropriate) as in the school and workplace.

Housecalls generally achieve outstanding results in terms of setting in place a concrete pathway for recovery from the OC disorder being targeted. Results, however, are dependent on a variety of factors, many of which are not under control of the therapist. Most importantly, the patient must be willing to tolerate moderate levels of anxiety (or fear). If not the Housecall is likely to produce only lackluster results.

Special Note: Due to the expense of the Housecall (see below) we recommend that the prospective patient first consider our Teleconferencing Program. If, after several telephone or video conferences, the patient's condition is not improving the next step would be to proceed with the Housecall.

What are the costs involved in the Housecall Program?

The purpose of the Housecall is to gather information which will lead to the development of a plan for OCD recovery tailored to the individual patient which will then be followed-up after the Housecall is over. On any particular day of the Housecall the visiting doctor may be meeting with the patient, conferencing with family, employers, friends and other treating professionals, conducting psychological testing, developing written handouts and aftercare materials, etc. Not all time is spent in consultation with the patient. Total patient contact time averages approximately 6 hours per day. Roughly the first half of the Housecall will be spent on information gathering and problem formulation and the second half on presentation and discussion of the implementation of strategies for recovery. At the conclusion of the Housecall detailed follow-up instructions for continuing the recovery process will be provided in the form of an Aftercare Plan. Telephone and e-mail consultations are scheduled as part of the follow-up programming.

The cost for each day of Housecall service is $1,200 per day which covers the doctor's time away from his or her home practice. For patients who are not already being seen at the OCD Recovery Centers there is an additional pre-treatment interview / post-treatment paperwork fee of $185. Travel and hotel costs (for one) are in addition to the per diem fee and are billed on the following schedule: $100 per hour for car travel, best available coach fare for plane travel, and $120 per night for hotel accommodations, car rental and living expenses. With the current air travel situation it generally takes at least half a day to reach a destination in the mainland US. Travel days are billed to the nearest half day at the rate of $800 per day (e.g. $450 if it takes half a day to reach your city and $450 for the half-day return.) as this is also time away from the doctor's practice.

Hotel, car rental and air travel arrangements are made by our office, but you may use frequent flyer miles to finance the air travel. Let us know if this is the case. Insurance will sometimes cover the direct service aspects of the Housecall Program, but never covers hotel, travel and other costs.

How are the Intensive Outpatient and Housecall Programs Different?

The Housecall Program offered by the OCD Recovery Center is designed for persons with significant disability resulting from an OC spectrum disorder who are unable or unwilling to travel to Grand Rapids for our Intensive Outpatient Program. The Housecall Program is generally somewhat more expensive, but has the advantage of working in the patient's own environment where most obsessions and compulsions occur. The Intensive Outpatient Program allows the patient to get away from life stresses for a while and relax in a hotel environment. We would be happy to discuss with you the advisability of these two options in your particular situation. Both programs have a high degree of success in goal attainment and reduction in obsessions and compulsions (as measured by the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale).

How do I register for the Housecall Program?

  1. Review this description carefully as well as other information from our web site or that we send you upon request.
  2. Call our office for a complementary telephone consultation (approximately 10 minutes) to ask any questions you might have about the program. You can also e-mail us with questions.
  3. Schedule the dates for the Housecall with us. Please note that although we may be visiting these locations it is not possible to attend school or work on the days of the Housecall so please make arrangements for time off.
  4. Once a patient has decided to attend the Housecall Program the following must be sent to our office by e-mail, fax or U.S. mail if time permits:
    1. Basic registration form with name, address, etc.
    2. Medical information forms
    3. OCD Symptom Inventory
    4. Any papers, medical reports or other information you would like us to review.
    5. Send a check or charge for the $180 administrative fee + $150 per day for hotel, rental car and food + $1,700 for each day of treatment + $400 for each half day of travel (assume one full day total unless advised otherwise). (For the standard three day Housecall this total would be $6,530. This is the normal total for a 3 day Housecall not including air travel which can be covered with the patient's frequent flyer miles.)


  5. Contact our office again to arrange a pre-treatment telephone interview (approximately 45-60 minutes). At this time we will:
    • Set up dates for the Housecall to take place.
    • Give you some suggestions for exercises to begin practicing prior to the Housecall.
    • Ask you to complete a brief psychological test to screen for common psychological difficulties that are part of the obsessive compulsive syndrome.
    • Answer any questions you have regarding completion of the Housecall application forms.
    • Discuss the logistics and schedule for the Housecall.
    • We have also found it is important for us to coordinate with any physician(s) prescribing medication for your obsessive compulsive disorder. We like to begin this process prior to the actual Housecall so that any medication changes we may recommend will have at least some time to begin to take effect and initial side effects will have diminished prior to our work together.

The OCD Recovery Center Housecall Program can be a wonderful opportunity to begin a recovery program or to jump-start a OC recovery process already underway. We invite your questions regarding this unique program and look forward to the possibility of working together to restore the self-ownership, freedom and joy that is your birthright. The article below describes some of the miracles we can experience as the result of the recovery process.

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